Blog, Planning

14 Essential Hen Party Must-Dos for an Unforgettable Celebration

Are you the “Maid of Honor” for an upcoming hen party or bachelorette party? Beginning to feel a little stressed out about the urgency of making sure everything is prepared? Also make sure you know what kind of hen party to have.

There’s no need to panic, we’ve got you covered in our free guide on what to prepare. This to-do list has everything you might need to prepare for with your next hen party!

Prepare a budget!

Knowing your budget is crucial when planning the perfect hen party. It’s essential to have a chat with your fellow hens and decide on a spending plan that works for everyone. Aim for the sweet spot – not too extravagant, yet not too modest. The last thing you want is to scramble for additional funds from your hens at the eleventh hour. So, make sure to prepare and agree on the budget beforehand to avoid any unpleasant surprises for your lovely hens.

That said, we’ve got your back! We pride ourselves on offering the finest hen party packages (without any hidden catches). If you prefer, you can entrust us with the planning, and we’ll take care of everything to ensure a fantastic and hassle-free experience for your entire hen squad! 🎉🐔💃

Get the money!

How can you actually have a hen weekend without having the money to prepare for it. You can prepare it all yourself, and take the responsibility of gathering the budget or allow a payment system to take care of it for you and the hens can pay for themselves. We have this system in place already, so just leave us to do the chasing if you wish, if you are staying outside of Kilkenny, we advise booking with Hen Free, they have a similar great payment system.

Where are you going for it?

What town or county is what we mean. Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Kilkenny, Dublin, or wherever else. You have to decide on a place that suits everyone, and how on earth will you get there! Transport must be arranged which, can be a nightmare. So prepare well in advance. Maybe you are even planning an abroad hen?

What activities will ye get up to? 

Prepare this early. Base the hotel around the activities. The proximity, the fun-ness of it, the team building… Make sure it is a great ice-breaker, as many of the hens will not have met each other before! Kilkenny has so many activities that you will never be able to get to it all. But booking with us ensures the very best of activities are used. Get some hen party surprises too!

What hotel to sleep in? 

Reviews, Reviews, Reviews! Read through them like mad, see if other hen parties have stayed there before and if they were welcomed. Obviously, many hotels may not accept a hen party on certain nights as a precaution. So shop around and get somewhere that is welcoming, has a great location and, most importantly, has a late bar! You could just leave it all to us, and have no hassle or worries!

Food & Drink 

Where will the hens eat and get started on drinking. Reviews are important again here but also it is extremely important that it is easy to get to and close to the town centre for the festivities ahead! You don’t want the heels getting broken (or ankles as the night goes on) by walking around all night. So grab somewhere with good food, a range of drinks, close to the town centre, and is welcoming of hen parties. Easy right?


Again, we are bringing this up, but it needs its own point. There’s no point in relying on taxis, they can take ages, and can be much more expensive than prearranged transport. This includes the to and fro from the location of hen party but also the getting around the town.

How many nights? 

Many hens will think that one night is more than enough for a hen party, but remember that alot of the hotels that take hen parties also require a minimum of a 2-night stay. So make sure everyone agrees on how long and get the best out of your money. A range or selection of dates is important to offer the group too.

Ensure everyone has a great time!

Yes, the bride-to-be is the queen for the day but don’t forget about all the rest of the guests. There are shy hens, after all, it is your responsibility by having the “honor” of being Maid of Honor and chief hen party organiser to make sure that everyone has a great time and everyone is involved. Know what everyone wants to do and get a resolution that suits the group as a whole.

Goodie bags 

Goody bags are essential for remembering a night that you will likely forget. Have some fun bits and bobs and some personalised facts for the bride to be. Embarrass her and have fun! Oh, and don’t forget water and painkillers… lots of painkillers.

Get some help 

The bridesmaid and other attendees of the Hen Party can pitch in too with some suggestions and idea, so don’t forget to delegate. Get everyone involved and then everyone will like they had a hand in arranged such an amazing night. Get in touch with us too and we will offer as much help as we can!

Don’t be Commanding

Yes, you are in charge of the hen night but not of the hens’ lives. So try not to be too controlling, do your best to be understanding and don’t get stressed! You should have fun too…

Have a Good Night 

Finally, just make sure that you, yourself have a good night. If it’s getting too much, just ask for help from the other attendees or maybe if it is difficult to get everything together and ready, just get in touch with us here at Kilkenny Concierge and we can take over everything and you will avoid all of the stresses associated with being an organiser of the big party. Oh, and maybe plan a theme!

Get in Touch

We can save you the trouble of all of this organising and headaches by simply booking with us if you’re staying in Kilkenny. Just fill out the form below or contact us.

If you are planning on staying somewhere else in Ireland (i.e. Not Kilkenny!), we recommend for the best deals!

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